Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The First of MANY Colonoscopies for My Kiddos

Today, each of my kiddos had his/her first colonoscopy.  The prep was easy...lots of clear liquids yesterday and an enema this morning.  I actually started working on cleaning their systems out starting this past weekend...lots of fiber, including prunes & Plum-Smart juice.  They were not thrilled with the prospect of having an enema, but there are certainly worse things than having that getting colon cancer.

Because of their ages, it had to be done at the hospital instead of as an outpatient at the doctor's endoscopy center.  All 3 of us survived the experience.  The staff was nice enough to put them next to each other so I didn't have to run back & forth checking on them.  I do not want to be the solo parent for their next scope...not at all.

Cae had 4 or 5 minuscule polyps. Dr Brown wasn’t even comfortable calling them polyps. He said they looked more like hyperplastic (fake) polyps. He biopsied and removed all 5 and suggested that the scope be repeated in a year.

Cas had 15-20 real, full-blown polyps. He biopsied 12 of them...not sure if he only removed those 12 or if he also removed the others.  We go back in 4 weeks for a follow up and will talk about “what’s next” for her. I think Dr Brown is inclined to repeat the scope on her in a year, too. I’m not sure that I’m comfortable doing that but am willing to listen to what he has to say.