I’m back home in Quantico with my hubby & kids. I cannot eat & am only supposed to drink water/ice chips, but hey, at least I’ll get to sleep in my own house & bed…that’s got to be better than the hospital. I’ll be going back for another GI study in a couple of weeks to see if things have healed & I can start drinking more & then advance to eating. Please continue to pray for the transition…I get horrible cramps in my stomach as it’s trying to do its job & work, work, work. Also, please pray for the transition to being back at home with all under the same roof.
Thanks for your continued prayers.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve at the Hospital
I'm still in the hospital. I am not allowed to eat or drink anything. I received a PICC line today & should be ready to go home on TPN by Thursday or Friday. Matt's going to get the kids & bring them up here to open presents & see me. I am hanging in there.
God is so good...the Starks & the Rices set up a Christmas tree in our house & baked Christmas cookies to give us something to come home to. Our neighbors the Draas put lights up on the outside of our house. The Ruperts are sending the kids here with a 2ft tall tree to decorate before opening presents.
This has been an interesting ride, & I'm not sure when it's going to end, but I do know that all things work together for the good of those who love God & who are called according to His purpose. I am trusting His will for me & my family.
Thanks for your continued prayers.
Merry CHRISTmas!!
God is so good...the Starks & the Rices set up a Christmas tree in our house & baked Christmas cookies to give us something to come home to. Our neighbors the Draas put lights up on the outside of our house. The Ruperts are sending the kids here with a 2ft tall tree to decorate before opening presents.
This has been an interesting ride, & I'm not sure when it's going to end, but I do know that all things work together for the good of those who love God & who are called according to His purpose. I am trusting His will for me & my family.
Thanks for your continued prayers.
Merry CHRISTmas!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Trying Food (Again)
Dr Cameron put me on food for today & tomorrow. Matt went & got me some different types of soups (chicken & rice, vegetable beef, etc). Lunch was delicious, & now, we're just waiting to see what happens. If all goes well, I'll be discharged early Monday morning to the hotel. I'll have to return either Wednesday or Thursday to see Dr Cameron, & then I should be sent home to Quantico.
Please, please, please pray that the food continues to go through my GI system the proper way.
To God be the glory!!!
Please, please, please pray that the food continues to go through my GI system the proper way.
To God be the glory!!!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thursday 12/20
I got an NG tube last night, an xray series today, positive results & the NG tube removed.
DR Cameron doesn't understand why I'm having trouble eating b/c the contrast emptied out of my stomach quite quickly. I think we're going to be content with just drinking stuff for awhile. I think they're also going to supplement me with TPN (I weigh about 100 lbs right now).
Kids are doing fine with the Ruperts (PRAISE THE LORD!!).
Please pray for good digestion days so we can get out of this place ASAP!!
I got an NG tube last night, an xray series today, positive results & the NG tube removed.
DR Cameron doesn't understand why I'm having trouble eating b/c the contrast emptied out of my stomach quite quickly. I think we're going to be content with just drinking stuff for awhile. I think they're also going to supplement me with TPN (I weigh about 100 lbs right now).
Kids are doing fine with the Ruperts (PRAISE THE LORD!!).
Please pray for good digestion days so we can get out of this place ASAP!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Update for Tuesday 12/18
I just wanted to post a quick update to let y'all know that the docs thought it was a good idea to try me on some food today. I had a couple of bites of scrambled eggs & cream of wheat & about 6 TBSPS of apple juice. For lunch I had a few bites of mashed potatoes. It does not feel like my stomach is emptying at all...previous symptoms are starting all over again.
Obviously, there is a pain/discomfort factor, but the main thing I'm dealing with right now is frustration & despair. I'm beginning to feel like this is never going to end. None of this is in my control. Please pray for things to start working, for wisdom & guidance for the docs & then for me to see the light of Christ shining through the entire situation.
Matt is still with me at the hospital, but at some point, he'll have to get back to school. The kids have been staying with the Nagy family but will be going over to the Ruperts (one of our pastors) b/c the Nagys are going out-of-town for Christmas. Please pray for this transition to go smoothly.
Thank you so much.
Obviously, there is a pain/discomfort factor, but the main thing I'm dealing with right now is frustration & despair. I'm beginning to feel like this is never going to end. None of this is in my control. Please pray for things to start working, for wisdom & guidance for the docs & then for me to see the light of Christ shining through the entire situation.
Matt is still with me at the hospital, but at some point, he'll have to get back to school. The kids have been staying with the Nagy family but will be going over to the Ruperts (one of our pastors) b/c the Nagys are going out-of-town for Christmas. Please pray for this transition to go smoothly.
Thank you so much.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
12/15 Update
Hello all,
I just wanted to send out a quick update. I am back at Johns Hopkins and after a couple of very "hairy" days, I am doing fine.
Dr. Cameron expects me to return to sips of water and chips of ice tomorrow (Sunday) with liquids on Monday and real food on Tuesday. If all goes well, I should be discharged on Wednesday (Matt is certainly praying for this as he wants is to be back home with the entire family!!!).
The delayed gastric emptying caused my stomach to become very distended (over 1 foot in length). Yesterday, I experienced constant waves of cramps as my stomach started trying to return to normal--labor pains felt better than the pains I was experiencing and there was nothing I could take for it (except revert back to lamaze).
The kids have been transferred back at the Nagy family & are having lots of fun. Matt plans on going home and spending time with them today and tomorrow.
If you want to call and chat, my number is (410) 502-0285.
Thanks for your continued prayers.
I just wanted to send out a quick update. I am back at Johns Hopkins and after a couple of very "hairy" days, I am doing fine.
Dr. Cameron expects me to return to sips of water and chips of ice tomorrow (Sunday) with liquids on Monday and real food on Tuesday. If all goes well, I should be discharged on Wednesday (Matt is certainly praying for this as he wants is to be back home with the entire family!!!).
The delayed gastric emptying caused my stomach to become very distended (over 1 foot in length). Yesterday, I experienced constant waves of cramps as my stomach started trying to return to normal--labor pains felt better than the pains I was experiencing and there was nothing I could take for it (except revert back to lamaze).
The kids have been transferred back at the Nagy family & are having lots of fun. Matt plans on going home and spending time with them today and tomorrow.
If you want to call and chat, my number is (410) 502-0285.
Thanks for your continued prayers.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Going Back to the Hospital
I just wanted to let you know that I am going back to the hospital. They think I have delayed gastric emptying (gastro pyresis)...happens about 25% of the time. I'm told that it's easily fixable. They're going to wait & see what the CT scan shows in case there's something else going on.
Matt's on his way to meet our pastor's wife (Sue Rupert) 1/2 way to take the kids back to VA then we're going to head over to Hopkins. I think the Ruperts are going to keep the kids for us (they've raised like 8 kids so my 2 should be a piece of cake...maybe I'll even end up with individual pointers based on their personalities ). Sue didn't even skip a beat when I called before 8am & asked if she could find someone to help get the kids back to VA. Her response was basically, "I'm on my way." (See, Mom, you don't have to worry about me or the grandkids! The LORD provides!!!!) We are very, very blessed to be right where we are...divine providence for sure!
Again, please pray for an accurate diagnosis by the docs & patience, peace & comfort on my part & for poor Matt who just wants his family to be together at home.
Matt's on his way to meet our pastor's wife (Sue Rupert) 1/2 way to take the kids back to VA then we're going to head over to Hopkins. I think the Ruperts are going to keep the kids for us (they've raised like 8 kids so my 2 should be a piece of cake...maybe I'll even end up with individual pointers based on their personalities ). Sue didn't even skip a beat when I called before 8am & asked if she could find someone to help get the kids back to VA. Her response was basically, "I'm on my way." (See, Mom, you don't have to worry about me or the grandkids! The LORD provides!!!!) We are very, very blessed to be right where we are...divine providence for sure!
Again, please pray for an accurate diagnosis by the docs & patience, peace & comfort on my part & for poor Matt who just wants his family to be together at home.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Still in Baltimore
Hello, All...
I had my appointment at 7:15 this morning (UGH! including taking 2 kids w/ us). Dr Cameron was concerned about some pain that I'm still experiencing...pain meds isn't even touching it (I was up all night...literally). It's hard to describe, but it's like I'm painfully aware of the upper portion of my small intestines from left to right...it HURTS!!! So, he sent me for labwork & a CAT scan.
The probelm is that insurance requires preauthorization. My case manager was working with the hospital to jump through all the loopholes; however, I was tired, impatient, in PAIN & waiting with 2 very tired & bored kids (they actually did a GREAT job, but they're 6 & 8 & act like it at times!). I called & talked to one of the pastors at our church (Lars) who promised to pray for the situation. In the meantime, I was thinking it might not happen until the afternoon & I really, really needed to lay down so we left. As we were driving down the parking garage, the phone rang & the hospital said the referal was in place...sooooo, we parked (again) & came back. We waited FOREVER, & my pain was increasing. I finally had Matt take the kids for a walk. In the meantime, my name got called for processing. The guy was way to pokey, & I'd been on my feet way too long (no vertical time since 5am, & it was around noon). I felt as if I was fading fast so I asked for a wheelchair (can you believe that I actually did that???) & was told I could go get one downstairs. I politely told the guy that I wasn't even 2 weeks post-op from MAJOR surgery with an incision that was at least 1 foot long & there was no way I was going to walk downstairs to the entrance for a wheelchair. In the meantime, Matt & the kids returned & got me one just (in time).
When the x-ray tech got my paperwork, she noticed that I'd documented that I was allergic to CT scan IVP contrast & that I hadn't done my allergy prep-work. (How could I? I didn't know about it yesterday?) When I had a CT scan at Potomac Hospital's ER, they put something in my IV right before injecting the dye...well, this radiology dept doesn't do that. I literally sat there & cried in front of them. I was tired, in pain, had waited around longer than I had to, & had NOTHING to show for it. They gave me a script for the steriods I need to take so we can return tomorrow around 1pm (24hrs after I took the 1st dose).
Part of Dr Cameron thinks that it's nothing; however, he's not blowing it off so that means it might be something.
Please pray for the pain to be under control, for an accurate diagnosis & treatment, for me to get A LOT of sleep tonight, & finally & most importantly for me to keep my focus where it belongs...on Christ & not on my temporal circumstances. Pray also for me to have patience & grace with my family regardless of how I'm feeling.
Thank you in advance for your prayers. Please do not worry or feel guilty for not responding. I know you love me & care for me & will pray for me. I truly appreciate it.
Love in Christ,
I had my appointment at 7:15 this morning (UGH! including taking 2 kids w/ us). Dr Cameron was concerned about some pain that I'm still experiencing...pain meds isn't even touching it (I was up all night...literally). It's hard to describe, but it's like I'm painfully aware of the upper portion of my small intestines from left to right...it HURTS!!! So, he sent me for labwork & a CAT scan.
The probelm is that insurance requires preauthorization. My case manager was working with the hospital to jump through all the loopholes; however, I was tired, impatient, in PAIN & waiting with 2 very tired & bored kids (they actually did a GREAT job, but they're 6 & 8 & act like it at times!). I called & talked to one of the pastors at our church (Lars) who promised to pray for the situation. In the meantime, I was thinking it might not happen until the afternoon & I really, really needed to lay down so we left. As we were driving down the parking garage, the phone rang & the hospital said the referal was in place...sooooo, we parked (again) & came back. We waited FOREVER, & my pain was increasing. I finally had Matt take the kids for a walk. In the meantime, my name got called for processing. The guy was way to pokey, & I'd been on my feet way too long (no vertical time since 5am, & it was around noon). I felt as if I was fading fast so I asked for a wheelchair (can you believe that I actually did that???) & was told I could go get one downstairs. I politely told the guy that I wasn't even 2 weeks post-op from MAJOR surgery with an incision that was at least 1 foot long & there was no way I was going to walk downstairs to the entrance for a wheelchair. In the meantime, Matt & the kids returned & got me one just (in time).
When the x-ray tech got my paperwork, she noticed that I'd documented that I was allergic to CT scan IVP contrast & that I hadn't done my allergy prep-work. (How could I? I didn't know about it yesterday?) When I had a CT scan at Potomac Hospital's ER, they put something in my IV right before injecting the dye...well, this radiology dept doesn't do that. I literally sat there & cried in front of them. I was tired, in pain, had waited around longer than I had to, & had NOTHING to show for it. They gave me a script for the steriods I need to take so we can return tomorrow around 1pm (24hrs after I took the 1st dose).
Part of Dr Cameron thinks that it's nothing; however, he's not blowing it off so that means it might be something.
Please pray for the pain to be under control, for an accurate diagnosis & treatment, for me to get A LOT of sleep tonight, & finally & most importantly for me to keep my focus where it belongs...on Christ & not on my temporal circumstances. Pray also for me to have patience & grace with my family regardless of how I'm feeling.
Thank you in advance for your prayers. Please do not worry or feel guilty for not responding. I know you love me & care for me & will pray for me. I truly appreciate it.
Love in Christ,
Saturday, December 8, 2007
At the Hotel
Hi...Just wanted to let you know that I'm at the hotel...I was sprung this afternoon. I go back to see the doc on Tuesday & then hopefully home. Thank you for your continued prayers...good & bad moments can swing like a pendulum; HOWEVER, I know Whom I serve & I know HIS power & HIS love for ME so no matter what happens, I am right in the middle of His hand. (sometimes, however, I feel like I got in a wreck with a freight train & lost!!)
I pray that you & your family are doing well & look forward to the reunion with my kids tomorrow (although I do not look forward to Matt's ride to & from Q/Stafford to get them...please keep his safety on the road & mine alone in the hotel in your prayers.
Because He lives...
I pray that you & your family are doing well & look forward to the reunion with my kids tomorrow (although I do not look forward to Matt's ride to & from Q/Stafford to get them...please keep his safety on the road & mine alone in the hotel in your prayers.
Because He lives...
Monday, December 3, 2007
Update from Steph
Hello, All...
I just wanted to send out a quick email to let you know how I'm progressing. I'm finally able to sleep for extended periods of time although my concept of time is still way off...20 minutes vs 8hrs...it's all the same to me.
I've been up & around & walking since the night of surgery (Friday night) & am feeling a lot less foggy & a lot more clear-headed. My pancreatic enzymes are continuing to come down, & I haven't asked for Benadryl for the itching in about 3 dose periods. We'll see what my levels are at when the "team" comes to check on me this morning. I would really, really, really like to eat "real" food but would be just as happy to eat some pudding or mashed potatoes!!
My mouth is quite dry...I am beginning to think that a desert has more moisture in it than my mouth! (I also really do not like typing on Matt's laptop!)
This hospital is just amazing, & it's quite a privilege to be recovering in the Marburg Pavillion...They have fresh coffee, juice, tea, etc for family members. Yesterday, the guest coordinator was making fresh fruit smoothies. There's also finger sandwiches & fresh cookies (Maybe now that I'm not requiring as much attention my poor overworked & underthanked hubby can enjoy it.) The bathroom in my hospital suite is stocked with L'Occitane products. The bottled water distributed to family members is Evian & Perrier. This part of the experience is more like a hotel instead of a hospital...another blessing from God b/c of my doctor. He's done so much to improve the Whipple procedure (aka pancreatic duodenectomy) that he just tells the hospital what he wants for his patients, & they get it. I can't remember what the exact mortality rate is for the procedure (somewhere around 50%), but his personal rate is 1%, & he has helped the state of MD to lower theirs to 12%. Anyone in the medical field in this area knows who Dr Cameron is & has nothing but nice things to say about him.
I haven't had an NG (naso-gastro) tube this whole time b/c they couldn't get it down my nose in the OR...kind of strange since I've had them before; however, I am praising God for being spared from this experience.
Well, I'm going back to sleep...I enjoyed my stroll around the floor with Matt but should probably get more rest to heal & recover. The kids have enjoyed their time with their Gram (Matt's mom), but she'll be leaving in the morning to go back home...pray for the kids as they get adjusted to staying with the Nagy family (& vice-versa). Hopefully, my next email will included news about actually eating something real & not just ice chips.
Thank you for your continued prayers & emails of encouragement & support.
I just wanted to send out a quick email to let you know how I'm progressing. I'm finally able to sleep for extended periods of time although my concept of time is still way off...20 minutes vs 8hrs...it's all the same to me.
I've been up & around & walking since the night of surgery (Friday night) & am feeling a lot less foggy & a lot more clear-headed. My pancreatic enzymes are continuing to come down, & I haven't asked for Benadryl for the itching in about 3 dose periods. We'll see what my levels are at when the "team" comes to check on me this morning. I would really, really, really like to eat "real" food but would be just as happy to eat some pudding or mashed potatoes!!
My mouth is quite dry...I am beginning to think that a desert has more moisture in it than my mouth! (I also really do not like typing on Matt's laptop!)
This hospital is just amazing, & it's quite a privilege to be recovering in the Marburg Pavillion...They have fresh coffee, juice, tea, etc for family members. Yesterday, the guest coordinator was making fresh fruit smoothies. There's also finger sandwiches & fresh cookies (Maybe now that I'm not requiring as much attention my poor overworked & underthanked hubby can enjoy it.) The bathroom in my hospital suite is stocked with L'Occitane products. The bottled water distributed to family members is Evian & Perrier. This part of the experience is more like a hotel instead of a hospital...another blessing from God b/c of my doctor. He's done so much to improve the Whipple procedure (aka pancreatic duodenectomy) that he just tells the hospital what he wants for his patients, & they get it. I can't remember what the exact mortality rate is for the procedure (somewhere around 50%), but his personal rate is 1%, & he has helped the state of MD to lower theirs to 12%. Anyone in the medical field in this area knows who Dr Cameron is & has nothing but nice things to say about him.
I haven't had an NG (naso-gastro) tube this whole time b/c they couldn't get it down my nose in the OR...kind of strange since I've had them before; however, I am praising God for being spared from this experience.
Well, I'm going back to sleep...I enjoyed my stroll around the floor with Matt but should probably get more rest to heal & recover. The kids have enjoyed their time with their Gram (Matt's mom), but she'll be leaving in the morning to go back home...pray for the kids as they get adjusted to staying with the Nagy family (& vice-versa). Hopefully, my next email will included news about actually eating something real & not just ice chips.
Thank you for your continued prayers & emails of encouragement & support.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Surgery Update from Matt #2
Hi again,
Just a quick update that we are in a room now. It is Room #346 in the Marburg Pavilion. The phone number is 410-614-4812. The room is ridiculous, but I shouldn't be surprised since Dr. Cameron is Steph's doc. Let's just say the room is first class and then some!
Steph is feeling fine except for an extreme case of being itchy! This itching kept her up the entire night in the ICU and has gotten a little better now. They stopped giving her Fentanyl via an IV for pain (the Docs think she may be allergic to it) and now she is on an oral medication.
Only unfortunate setback so far is that she cannot have liquids yet because her amalase (enzymes in the stomach) levels are 1000...and normally they should be 100. The doctors feel confident that this will come down soon, and she will be able to start a liquid diet (Yeah!!)
On a positive note, she has been up and walking 3 times already. And she was able to wash her hair this morning....now my bride looks like a million bucks (just doesn't feel like it yet). Also, her dry witted humor is alive and well. She jokingly asked one of the nurses while we were walking this morning "So, when is my pizza coming?" It took a moment for the nurse to realize that she was joking.
Lastly, please pray that she gets relief from the itching. The doctors are at a lost as to the fact that she does not complain of pain but of being itchy. Hopefully the oral medication will help her with the pain of surgery.
As for me, I am doing fine. I am thankful that we are stationed here in Quantico so that we could get this surgery, and I am thankful that I have a great boss who supports me in spending this time with my wife and family. Surgery sure does put life in perspective.
Take care...
Just a quick update that we are in a room now. It is Room #346 in the Marburg Pavilion. The phone number is 410-614-4812. The room is ridiculous, but I shouldn't be surprised since Dr. Cameron is Steph's doc. Let's just say the room is first class and then some!
Steph is feeling fine except for an extreme case of being itchy! This itching kept her up the entire night in the ICU and has gotten a little better now. They stopped giving her Fentanyl via an IV for pain (the Docs think she may be allergic to it) and now she is on an oral medication.
Only unfortunate setback so far is that she cannot have liquids yet because her amalase (enzymes in the stomach) levels are 1000...and normally they should be 100. The doctors feel confident that this will come down soon, and she will be able to start a liquid diet (Yeah!!)
On a positive note, she has been up and walking 3 times already. And she was able to wash her hair this morning....now my bride looks like a million bucks (just doesn't feel like it yet). Also, her dry witted humor is alive and well. She jokingly asked one of the nurses while we were walking this morning "So, when is my pizza coming?" It took a moment for the nurse to realize that she was joking.
Lastly, please pray that she gets relief from the itching. The doctors are at a lost as to the fact that she does not complain of pain but of being itchy. Hopefully the oral medication will help her with the pain of surgery.
As for me, I am doing fine. I am thankful that we are stationed here in Quantico so that we could get this surgery, and I am thankful that I have a great boss who supports me in spending this time with my wife and family. Surgery sure does put life in perspective.
Take care...
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