Monday, December 3, 2007

Update from Steph

Hello, All...

I just wanted to send out a quick email to let you know how I'm progressing. I'm finally able to sleep for extended periods of time although my concept of time is still way off...20 minutes vs's all the same to me.

I've been up & around & walking since the night of surgery (Friday night) & am feeling a lot less foggy & a lot more clear-headed. My pancreatic enzymes are continuing to come down, & I haven't asked for Benadryl for the itching in about 3 dose periods. We'll see what my levels are at when the "team" comes to check on me this morning. I would really, really, really like to eat "real" food but would be just as happy to eat some pudding or mashed potatoes!!

My mouth is quite dry...I am beginning to think that a desert has more moisture in it than my mouth! (I also really do not like typing on Matt's laptop!)

This hospital is just amazing, & it's quite a privilege to be recovering in the Marburg Pavillion...They have fresh coffee, juice, tea, etc for family members. Yesterday, the guest coordinator was making fresh fruit smoothies. There's also finger sandwiches & fresh cookies (Maybe now that I'm not requiring as much attention my poor overworked & underthanked hubby can enjoy it.) The bathroom in my hospital suite is stocked with L'Occitane products. The bottled water distributed to family members is Evian & Perrier. This part of the experience is more like a hotel instead of a hospital...another blessing from God b/c of my doctor. He's done so much to improve the Whipple procedure (aka pancreatic duodenectomy) that he just tells the hospital what he wants for his patients, & they get it. I can't remember what the exact mortality rate is for the procedure (somewhere around 50%), but his personal rate is 1%, & he has helped the state of MD to lower theirs to 12%. Anyone in the medical field in this area knows who Dr Cameron is & has nothing but nice things to say about him.

I haven't had an NG (naso-gastro) tube this whole time b/c they couldn't get it down my nose in the OR...kind of strange since I've had them before; however, I am praising God for being spared from this experience.

Well, I'm going back to sleep...I enjoyed my stroll around the floor with Matt but should probably get more rest to heal & recover. The kids have enjoyed their time with their Gram (Matt's mom), but she'll be leaving in the morning to go back home...pray for the kids as they get adjusted to staying with the Nagy family (& vice-versa). Hopefully, my next email will included news about actually eating something real & not just ice chips.

Thank you for your continued prayers & emails of encouragement & support.


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