Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Annual Endoscopy

I went for my annual endoscopy today...my first one without my husband. Aprile Hyder watched the kids, & Amy Hittle watched me. Dr Brown said that I am still experience delayed gastric emptying to some degree (remnants of last night's dinner were still in my stomach 14+ hours later) & that I had what looks like fundic polyps which are normally not a problem unless you're blessed to have FAP like me. (Aprile couldn't stand it so she Googled it to see what fundic polyps are...I would have done it once I got home...she just beat me to it.) I go back at the end of the month to get the pathology results. I had to promise him that I'd have my lab work done for that appointment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FAP as in Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy or some other FAP?