Thursday, April 19, 2012

Double Scopes for Me

My scopes went well today.  The worst part of the whole day (besides not being able to eat) was the sore throat from the 30+ minutes of the endoscopy.  I had no polyps in my j-pouch so I don’t need to repeat that one for another year. I had 10 adenomatous (pre-cancerous) polyps in stomach which were removed and sent for biopsy.  The results will be ready in a couple of weeks.

Because of the adenomatous polyps in my stomach, Dr Brown recommended that I have a repeat endoscopy/EGD in 3-6 months.  Since we’re moving this summer, I’ll have to wait until after the move and talk to the new doctor at LeJeune.

I was able to talk to him and got him to agree to doing an endoscopy on the kiddos when they go for their colonoscopy at the end of May.  This will give us a baseline for each of them and also make sure there are no problems in that area yet. I know of a few people whose young children already have adenomatous polyps in the stomach and duodenum which is not good at all.  I want to be smart and catch it early if they have it…it’s always best to be proactive with FAP!!!

Thanks for the prayers and thanks to Marianne for being my chauffeur today.

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