This was so "crazy", too because it reminded me of when I was 12 and received my first colonoscopy. There was no junk to drink back then...not Suprep and especially not "Go-lyely" (which makes you go anyway BUT lightly). In the space of a few weeks, I had a rigid sigmoidoscopy in my doc's office, a barium enema at a lab, and then finally a colonoscopy. I remember having to take clear liquids for THREE days for each of when I had my colon surgery. I survived it all...especially the barium enema series which required me to drink that chalky stuff in addition to having it added in at the other end. Somewhere along the line, I also remember drinking a bottle of magnesium citrate for something, too. YUCK!! Thankfully, it wasn’t until after Matt and I were married that I got to experience Go-lytely, and since I already had most of my colon removed by then, I had to drink less than 1/2 of it which was bad enough...but I did survive.
They had a combined total of 16ozs of bowel-emptying liquid to drink, and now, they're DONE! AND despite some initial drama about drinking it, none if has come back up...well, at least not yet. Now, we get to repeat this step at 5am. My poor kiddos...I cannot imagine being woken up at such an early hour to drink this stuff...but at least it smells better than some of the junk I had to drink when I was their ages.
As of right now, I can honestly say that my kids are not full
of xxit AND that for the first time in a LONG while, my #2's #s does not stink! Now that may be a little bit TMI, but I have learned that this is all just a part of life so either you take what you
have and go with it and live it to the full or you give up living which means
you might as well be dead. Now, while living a “gutless life” isn’t always fun
or easy, I am blessed to be alive and to have avoided gastrointestinal cancer
so far. I’m also thankful for continued advances in medical technology that
will enable my kids to have it even easier than I did.
So for anyone who's reading this, I appreciate your prayers and encouragement because I know that WE will ALL NEED it at FIVE-AM when they need to wake up and drinking the 2nd dose of stuff...hopefully, they won't have to drink much because they already have clear returns.
As my old colon-rectal surgeon used to say, "Bottoms up & say 'Ahhh!'"
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