Wednesday, January 30, 2013

First Round of Scope swith Dr Kandil

Yesterday, I had a double scope with my new gastro, Dr Hassam Kandil.  In the last 2 years, I’ve had a polyp grow at the base of my anus (not actually IN the pouch because the anus is still part of the colon), and I’ve had some real (instead of hyperplastic or fake) ones growing in my stomach.  Because of this, he wanted to go as far down into the small bowel with the EGD and as far up into the small intestines in the other direction with the colonoscopy to make sure no adenomatous polyps were growing in the small bowel.  I was not prepared for what he showed me after they were done.  Here’s what was found:

1.  It appears that the adenomatous (real…pre-cancerous) polyps in my stomach are growing and increasing in number.  They look very differently from the hyperplastic (fake) polyps that have been growing in my stomach for the past 18+ years.  Of course, we’ll have to wait for biopsy results to confirm the exact type of polyps these are.

2.  I also have what appear to be adenomatous (real) polyps at my GJ anastamosis (gastrojejunostomy...basically where my stomach and small intestines were reconnected during the Whipple procedure).  The adenomatous polyps are on the stomach side of the anastamosis (not on the small intestines side), and I’ve had issues with inflammation and ulceration at this location before.  Again, we’ll have to wait for biopsy results to get confirmation.

3.  He found several small polyps in my j-pouch which appear to be hyperplastic.  Once more, biopsy results will confirm if this is true.

4.  The good news is that no polyps were found in the rest of the small intestines that he was able to reach.

He wanted me to schedule a follow up appointment in 2 weeks to discuss the biopsy results.  Based on what he saw; however, he was going to put in a referral for me to see a surgeon about the possibility of having that portion of my stomach removed.  This morning, when I called to make my follow up appointment, I was told that he didn’t have an opening until the 27th of February.  His nurse said that he was fine with not seeing me until then because he’d already set up an appointment on the 11th with an Oncologist/GI surgeon to talk about the next step.  His nurse also said that if any of the biopsy results were to come back with unexpected info, I would definitely get a call from him before then.  Either way, all of the records will be in the system for the surgeon to see.

SIGH…often times, living with FAP seems to be a never-ending, uphill always getting the short end of the stick.  It is rarely a dull moment.

BTW...MEGA THANKS to my fellow Warrior Wives, Alina, Jodi and Megan for taking me (Alina), keeping my kids overnight (Jodi) & letting the dog out (Megan).  I appreciate it so much!

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