Monday, November 29, 2010


Today, I am 3 years post-Whipple procedure!


What a ride it has been!

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for taking care of my kiddos while I spent a month in Johns-Hopkins. Thank you for keeping watch over me and getting me through this rough time one second at a time.  Thank you for keeping me right in the center of your will.  Thanks also for getting me through this never-ending, always changing journey.  I am especially grateful that my stomach empties better than it did 3 years ago!

I'm proud and honored to be a Whipple survivor. It's certainly something I'll NEVER forget, and I hope to NEVER repeat anything like it again. I can't even imagine going through this and then have to face going through chemo...that would have killed me for sure. There are times when I'm not very appreciate or thankful, but even through it all, I know that I'm truly blessed.

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